Greetings!! :)
President's Day is right around the corner and what better way to celebrate than by drawing pictures of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln!!
The school I teach at does not offer art class as a SpEcIaL ClAsS for my kiddos. I feel that it is my responsibility for them to still get that feel of art. I loved art as a child and I want my kiddos to also love it. So, I try to get them to do artsy things a lot. This being one of those times.
Have you ever experimented with Directed Drawing in YOUR classroom??
It is amazing and quite ENTERTAINING!!
My friends were thrilled when I told them what we would be doing. We first did research on the two former president's and wrote research papers about them. I let them choose which president they wanted to focus on and surprisingly it turned out pretty even for the class.
After we did our papers we then broke up into two groups:
1.Group Washington
2.Group Abe
My friends met me on the carpet and we drew our Presidents all thanks to TPT Kindergarten Planet!!!
This is a FREEBIE!!
Once we were finished drawing we decided they needed color... WATERCOLOR!!
They had a blast painting their portraits!!
Check out what my friends did...

I hope this makes you want to try Directed Drawing in your classroom!!
Have a WONDERFUL day!