
Monday, March 14, 2016

Try Different Things... SAVE SOME TREES!!

Hello Friends :)

So... I have been reading a lot lately and something really stuck out to me!! 
Ask yourself this question... 
Would you like being a student in your own classroom? 
Loaded question huh? 
I pondered this question for quite some time and it lead me to an...

(teachers and their ideas haha) 

I wanted to try a week with absolutely ZERO worksheets. So. I tried it. I must say... "WOW!!" It was wonderful and I feel like with the upcoming weeks of school there are going to be a lot of days without worksheets!! I cannot wait. I know, I know... lots of questions arise when you say ZERO worksheets. Below are some questions I have encountered throughout the week from other teachers and my students:

1. What did you do all day?
 We LEARNED and I must say we had a BLAST doing it!!

2.Did you just play all day?
(eye roll)
I just didn't overload them with a bunch of worksheets.

3. What are we going to do today?
The same as always, just way more of it! We used sticky notes, our desks, white boards, our voices, TECHNOLOGY, and our bodies!!

4. Grades---What about grades?
Well, I am not a grade driven teacher and I want my students to work towards internal motivation, but I know that grades are required so, I took participation grades and then graded what they have in their journals. 

5. Were you intimidated by not using worksheets?
Sure I was. As with anything new, I get a little nervous and that is OKAY. I planned a lot before I just said goodbye worksheets.

6. How did it feel not to have a ton of worksheets to grade?
I am not sure what teacher can say that they LOVE grading worksheets. I sure do not. I would much rather spend my time creating something engaging for my students.

7. Are you saying all worksheets are bad?
No. No. No.

The movement in our classroom was outstanding. The student and teacher engagement was priceless. I found myself learning more with my students. This was really an experience that I would recommend to anyone and everyone. 

I am open to trying new things in my classroom and I am so lucky that my kids just go with the flow. They aren't really shocked anymore when I tell them that I came across something else I want to try. They think they are part of an experiment and really they are!